Snatched out of My Hand

Snatched out of My Hand

One of the oddest things happened to me while I was out last week. I went to the market to buy some vegetables, and after getting out of my car and locking it, a bird flew down and took my keys right out of my hand with its beak. It was a pretty big bird and I tried to chase after it, but it had flown so high that I had no chance of getting it. At that point, I stopped thinking about the reason I came to the market and looked for a mobile locksmith in Brisbane on my phone so I could get back into my car.

I was able to find a locksmith and told him about my problem. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. This was the first time he ever heard about a bird snatching keys right out of a person’s hand. While the locksmith was working, I looked around to see if the bird was still near, in the hopes that I would be able to get my keys, but he didn’t show up. After the locksmith got my car unlocked, I got in and drove back in so I could get my extra set of keys. It was a good thing that I didn’t have my car keys and house keys on the same key chain.

I headed back to the market for vegetables after getting my spare keys, and as soon as I got out of my car, the same bird from before returned and dropped my keys right by my feet, and then flew away. This bird must have tried to eat the keys and figured out that it couldn’t, or maybe it just had some weird sense of humor. Either way, I was glad to have my car keys again.

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