The Most Toxic Online Gaming Communities
If you’ve played online video games you’ll have run into a toxic player. A player that swears, uses racial slurs, trolls, or is otherwise just unpleasant to play with. Though in most games, you might only run across a toxic player every once in a while. In other games, toxicity seems to be the norm, rather than the exception.

Here is a list of video games that are known to have incredibly toxic communities. Though, this doesn’t mean that every player is going to give you trouble. You’d just do well to avoid these games or at least get a better idea of how to mute a toxic voice chat before you get going.
Perhaps Minecraft’s biggest downfall is how popular it is. Millions play the game, which naturally means that a certain percentage of trolls are also going to be playing. If you’ve spent any time on a Minecraft server you’ve probably already witnessed the screaming, swearing and general chaos. The problem is that neither Microsoft nor Mojang actually monitor online play, meaning that just about anything can happen.
More to the point, the game is also ripe with opportunities to ruin other players’ games. Just plant a bomb, run away, and watch something that took hours to create come crashing down. You might want to instead consider the bet UFC loves, which is a far more relaxing experience.
Minecraft is ripe for toxicity, but at least isn’t competitive, which tends to make things much worse. Overwatch is extremely popular, is based around competition, and includes voice chat. It’s a recipe for disaster. Sure, you can have plenty of matches where no one starts screaming racial slurs at another player. But then you’ll land up in a match that is nothing but screaming and swearing.
If you’re brave enough to play Overwatch, learn where the mute button is immediately.
Call Of Duty
You knew it was going to be on this list, and here it is. Call Of Duty is often a chaos of taunting and swearing, so much so that it can be impossible to play without wanting to pull your hair out. The problem here, above all else, is that the theme of the game is focused on macho flexing. This isn’t to say that the game itself encourages toxic behaviour, but it also doesn’t.
It isn’t surprising that most mature adults would rather play something else.
Amongst the worst of the worst, Counter Strike Global Offensive can be unbearable. The major issue here is that not only do developers Valve not act swiftly on complaints, but the game itself is also the biggest eSport in the world. Hence, many of the most toxic players fancy themselves as future pro gamers. Of course, the worst offenders probably won’t be, but that doesn’t stop them from aggressively trying to discipline others whom they see as underperforming.
Unless you’re ready to deal with heavy toxicity, it’s probably best you avoid CS:GO entirely.… Read More..