Cyber Security Threats Your Employees Should Be Aware Of

If you’re wanting to revise the cyber security practices in your business, you’re in the right place. We’re here to introduce a few cyber security threats that your employees should be aware of, from broker scams through to data breaches, to help protect your business and your data. You should ideally get specialists in to do training, as well as have the best possible cyber security software, however making your employees aware of the following possibilities is also important. Invest some time and money in getting your entire team up to scratch when it comes to the cyber security of your business and it can make a huge difference to your business in the long run!
Phishing Emails
First up we have phishing emails, which is when scammers will send scam emails that contain malicious links to dangerous malware websites. In the past it was quite easy to identify when an email was a scam, however they are getting more and more advanced and often look very realistic. This also involves spoofing, when an email appears to come from someone they know or a reliable company with a very realistic looking email address, from forex scams through to scammers wanting sensitive information.
An example would be a digital marketing agency receiving an email from someone pretending to work for Meta, asking them to click a link to help resolve an issue with the ad account, which turns out to be dangerous. These emails can look very realistic. So, you should highlight common elements of spoofing emails to your employees, and then also say that if they’re ever unsure about whether a link is legitimate, to go directly to the genuine website themselves to find the information.
Data Breaches Involving Passwords
Whilst your business may have the most advanced cyber security possible, it is possible for data breaches to still occur. So, in order to make sure that they’re still protected, employees should change their passwords every three months. You should send out reminder emails every three months and make sure people change them. This reduces the risk of any breaches and just keeps everything up to date.
Neglecting Software Updates
Something else that is common in workplaces is for employees to neglect software updates. It’s easy when in the middle of the day and you’re busy that you ignore a notification to update software, however it’s so important, as it’s easier for scammers to exploit this vulnerability. So, you should encourage employees to update their software, then you should also send reminders to your employees just to hint again that there may be a new update that they should push to install.
Use Of Unauthorised Devices
You also should discourage your employees from using any devices that aren’t company property in work, as connecting personal devices to company WiFi or using unapproved USB’s can result in preventable malware damaging the business. You should send out clear policies about what can be used in work and offer alternative options. This is … Read More..