Outsourcing Video Production to Foreign Countries
Have you ever wondered where most commercials are made or filmed at? If you’re like me you’d probably assume your own country, but many countries have been outsourcing their video production to other countries. That’s right, it isn’t just Hollywood that’s creating films nowadays. There are many a video production company in Singapore. Why Singapore? Singapore is a growing East Asian nation where costs have been falling and quality rising. Compared to the United States, Singapore might be coming slightly ahead in video production. Many countries are outsourcing projects such as animation projects, stories and advertisement.
A popular animation that is being done by professional video production companies is 3D animation. 3D animation is much cheaper and less labor intensive than traditional animation and it’s also beginning to look just as good. Many animation companies outsource their CGI to foreign countries such as Singapore, including popular Japanese and American animation series. More than animation people are also increasingly turning to outsourcing video production for movies as well. Although films can be produced in their home country, having a foreign country handle post production is an option as well, especially since it may be cheaper and offer better quality than if you were to do it in your own country.
The most popular avenue for needing a video production team would be advertisements. A foreign video production team can create an entire ad without even having to visit your country using CGI and high quality equipment or even actors. Many large corporations depend on outsourcing to foreign countries for their video production, since getting it done in their own countries tends to be a bit more expensive than they’re willing to shell out for. It’s not just for small companies, but also for anyone wishing to start a business, might outsource for someone to create an attractive commercial for their product.