My Time with the Scooter
Due to a bad car accident, I was left without the ability to walk for quite some time. I began to think that I would never walk again, even though the doctors told me that I would eventually heal from my injuries. The accident made me so afraid of cars that I didn’t want to even get in one to go home from the hospital. Since my insurance covered it, I was able to get a mobility scooter and picked up an extra battery from At first, I really didn’t want to use the scooter because I figured that I would become too dependent on it, but I realized just how much I needed the scooter in my life.
The scooter helped me get everywhere, and it was much more convenient that trying to push myself around with a wheelchair or having someone push me. It was my own personal vehicle, and I loved riding around in it. It could turn on a dime, weave through tight spaces, and had a pretty good speed. Sometimes I would go as fast as I could and pretend that I was driving a race car. When I did this in the supermarket, the other shoppers looked and laughed. Some of the store employees liked it, but I don’t think the manager was too pleased to see me speeding through the aisles.
The scooter served me well, and the extra battery came in handy when the power in my regular battery wore out. Eventually, I had to leave the scooter behind and return to walking. It took some therapy, but eventually I regained my normal stride. I had to return the scooter, and when I did, it was a sad moment for me, because I had some good memories with it. I kept the spare battery as a reminder of the fun I had while using the scooter.