How Machine Learning Can Revolutionize Medicine

How Machine Learning Can Revolutionize Medicine

What Is Machine Learning

Machine learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence. It is the process in which a machine uses statistical techniques and extensive data sets to “learn” without being programmed. So many major technological advancements have been made because of this incredible technology. A few well known examples are: self driving cars, mobile check deposits, and the sequence of the human genome (no big deal).

Machine learning has proven to be valuable in multiple industries because it saves money and streamlines arduous manual processes. If you are curious as to how machine learning fits into the medical landscape and improves healthcare delivery, keep reading!


How Artificial Intelligence Has Revolutionized the World

Artificial intelligence is often a topic of controversy. Many individuals feel that if the technology becomes too advanced, it could replace the need for humans in several industries. This would leave possibly thousands without jobs and negatively affect the economy. Because artificial intelligence can perform the same functions as humans with greater efficiency and less cost, this can truly be a problem we face in the future. But at the moment, artificial intelligence proves to be a great tool for individuals and companies to use.

With its ability to speed up internal processes and streamline manual labor, it allows employees to spend more time on tasks that actually matter to their company. By employing AI in the workplace, managers are able to spend more time building out strategy rather than compiling data and building reports for bookkeeping purposes. At the end of the day, AI has changed the business field for the better.

Applying ML to Medicine

So how does all of this fancy technology apply to medicine? In so many ways! This technology allows clinics and hospitals to handle more patients at the same time and provide the same level of care. Moreover, it allows doctors and nurses to provide a more personalized treatment. By having patients’ records available at the touch of a tablet and equipment that provides detailed scans, doctors can give patients diagnosis and treatments within one visit. This would have been impossible 50 years ago!

Like most industries in the technological era, the medical field is changing rapidly. Automation is a necessity in the present and the future if healthcare professionals are to push out their life saving research into the field. Currently, there are several ML algorithms used to diagnose disease and mutations. In fact, Google has created an algorithm that detects breast cancer in mammograms with 89{64d5ce5bede23e8209612f9abb16f74e6465cf83bf77ab0952ae48a9412f0e46} accuracy. Given that breast cancer the third most deadly form of cancer, this level of accuracy in the detection phase could save so many lives. As we continue to develop and discover, these algorithms will continue to get better and help doctors identify and treat even more complex diseases.

Over time, data will prove to be a major asset in the medical field. This is because as processes become increasingly digitized, it is easier for everyone to store, access, and analyze the data they collect about every patient. Somewhere in that sea of data lies the clues needed to eradicate diseases that affect millions of patients around the world. That is powerful.

Overall, machine learning is powering the new age of personalized medicine. It allows physicians to create personalized treatment plans for specific patients in hopes that it will better their overall quality of life- which at the end of the day is medicine’s overall goal.


About The Author: Nikitha Lokareddy is a recent 4.0 graduate of W.P. Carey School of Business and currently works for Markitors, a digital marketing agency. She is also an advisor to Online Data Science Master’s Degrees and is an avid playlist maker and coffee drinker.

In Collaboration with Nikitha Lokareddy

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