3 Business Sectors Which Are Going To Change Massively In 2020
Business as a whole has changed massively in the past couple of years, with the advent of different pieces of technology, ranging from machine learning to different varieties of data being gathered, processed and delivered. The tangible effects which have been pointed out by the evolution of technology, in 2018, have all set the foundation for what will be the future of businesses in 2020. Let’s dive into what the future of business will be.
#1: Machine Learning And Automated Features
As many of you may know, machine learning and everything automation-related grown a lot in terms of awareness in the past couple of years. The usage of data to automate specific sections of a determined software/hardware has been so impactful that it has improved by 15{4a5789dcd27a1613dee314851edeac5aad088eb5b2e9282c9a512c32eca81752} compared to last year’s predictions. The usage of data and machine-oriented features are still going to be the biggest ones for 2020.
#2: Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing as a whole is going to change massively in the next couple of years. With Google moving towards a far more “paid-oriented” approach and limiting SEO to technical, digital marketing will be oriented towards data-driven strategies as the company which offers the best SEO Manchester currently have stated.
Digital marketing is yet again the confirmation of the fact that data will drive another very prolific business sector from 2020 and beyond.
#3: Software And Web Development
Once again, a business sector which heavily relies on the usage of technology. Web developers have gone from using a purely static language such as HTML to using complex rendering languages like Javascript and Python to create complex websites and pieces of software/applications which could be again used on the internet instead than locally. The usage of Node, for example, in the past couple of years opened the doors towards cloud-based applications which could be run online instead than on desktop or mobile. In 2020, it’s safe to say that the world of web development will most likely combine with the world of software dev.
To Conclude
The world of business will most likely change towards a far more technologically-savvy approach in 2020 and this is a great starting point towards the digitalization of those sectors which aren’t (yet) internet friendly.