What Causes Lost Company Data and what is the Solution?

The existence of data for a company is like a lump of gold whose value is truly immeasurable. Data is one of the crucial components in a company because it usually contains valuable information that should not be leaked to other people. That is why losing company data is a big disaster that befell a company.
Many things can cause data to be lost whether on purpose or not. Find out what can cause you to lose important data and find out solutions to solve it.
Cause of Loss of Corporate Data
The main cause of losing your company data is due to the absence of adequate software installation so that the data is lost due to viruses or being compromised. Installing this software is important not only on computers but also on smartphones. With this software, the data you enter into your computer system is more protected from viruses and hackers. Computers that don’t have security software will make it easier for hackers to break into company data.
This gets worse when you don’t regularly back up company data regularly. So, when there is data that is lost either due to hacking or being exposed to a virus, you do not have a data backup. It’s good, company data is not only stored in one system but several systems. So, in case of missing files on one of the servers, you will still have a backup.
The Solution to Solve Lost Company Data
Files residing on a computer will only be stored on that computer system. So, when a computer is exposed to a virus, the data will be easily lost. To solve this problem, it is necessary to update the system in the company computer network so that it is always running properly. Updating the computer system to a more sophisticated level will help reduce the risk of data loss.
Another alternative after upgrading a computer system is to use the cloud as storage. The cloud can be used as a storage area for an unlimited amount of data. In fact, Cloud-managed networks storage capacity can be increased as needed. All data that you enter into the computer, if the computer has done a cloud installation, the data is automatically stored in the cloud.
Since data is very important for a company, you should start backing up every file uploaded to the computing system and using cross-cloud backups.
Teldat will help deal with data loss problems by offering cloud services. Teldat cloud service allows you to perform automatic daily, weekly, and monthly backups. Teldat also provides Cloud network management disaster recovery which manages the last copy of data so that it can quickly recover and return to normal after a natural disaster strikes. So, you no longer need to worry about losing important company data. So, give Teldat a call and protect your important data!… Read More..